Teo is Learning

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Teo Berguerre

Hello! I'm Teo, a passionate ?-year-old web developer. I enjoy helping colleagues, staying curious, and continually learning. I'm dedicated to crafting exceptional web experiences.
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Master's degree in Software Engineering

? - ?

My goal is to pursue a Master's degree in Software Engineering through a work-study program at the University of Grenoble Alpes.

Professional Bachelor's in web development


During my bachelor's degree, I had the opportunity to learn the basics of web development with a focus on windows technologies.
This was also my first time working on a long-term project as a solo developer for a company.

Technology University Diploma in computer science


After hightschool and being introduced to programming while doing a little game using java I decided to study computer science.
I received my bachelor's degree in computer science from the University of Grenoble Alpes in 2020.

Full-Stack Developer, BPS in France

September 2022 - Present

During my experience, I had the opportunity to play a pivotal role in the development and maintenance of key features for the Feel-mining website, spanning the back-office, API, and website.
I also took on the challenge of optimizing scheduled tasks , enhancing Eloquent query performance, and executing a smooth migration of the front-end library from Vue Bootstrap/Bootstrap to Vuetify.

My contributions extended beyond coding, as I actively participated in task planning. In addition, I had a similar hands-on involvement in the Wigl application, where I worked on mobile and back-office features, as well as the API.
Task planning was another aspect where I made valuable contributions.
My skills encompass Vue.js, Laravel, Vuetify, JIRA for the Feel-mining projects, and React Native, Tailwind CSS, Vue.js, Laravel, and JIRA for the Wigl application.

Remote Developer, AM-Creation in France

February 2022 - June 2022

I was tasked with application development and ongoing maintenance, working with .NetCore and Vue.js technologies.
This project, which served Enedis, required skills in .NetCore MVC, SQL, and involved responsibilities such as keeping the program running smoothly.
Additionally, I utilized project management tools like Jira and followed Agile methodologies for efficient progress.

Developer Analyst, Axopen in France

October 2021 - January 2022

During my time at Axopen, I've been involved in diverse projects that showcase my versatility and expertise in web development.
One notable project involved the modernization of a website, where I utilized technologies like Gatsby, Strapi, React, and GraphQL to transform its functionality and user experience, bringing it up to contemporary standards.

Additionally, I undertook the development of an application tailored specifically for mining machines. Leveraging VueJS and SCSS, I crafted an intuitive and efficient interface to meet the unique requirements of this domain.

Furthermore, I spearheaded the creation of a website dedicated to managing virtual machines and conducting audits. This endeavor saw me employ technologies such as Angular 2+, Spring Boot, and SCSS to ensure seamless functionality and top-notch performance.

These experiences have enriched my skill set and provided me with a solid foundation in web development, allowing me to excel in a wide range of projects and domains.

Work-study developer, Trixell in France

September 2020 - September 2021

I had the opportunity to work on the development of the new "Trixnet" intranet, utilizing a diverse set of skills and technologies, including Dotnet Core MVC, Orchard, SQL, SASS, and Bootstrap.

My role encompassed various responsibilities:
  • I started by gathering requirements from different departments to create a detailed project plan, following an agile methodology to ensure efficient task management.
  • I set up the database for the Headless CMS OrchardCore.
  • I configured the IIS server for deployment.
  • I established a Git workflow with basic checks for critical tests.
  • I dockerized the database to facilitate remote work.
  • I leveraged .Net Core MVC for development, incorporating Razor pages, Tag Helpers, and Dependency Injection.
  • I made use of Entity Framework and LinQ for the backend.
  • I undertook the development of an Organizational Chart application from scratch, with an administrative interface for each department.

Additionally, I was involved in the development and support of JAVAEE and SQL applications. These experiences have enriched my skill set and enabled me to contribute effectively to a wide range of projects.

Intership as a Full-Stack Developer, Mobiteach in France

April 2020 - July 2021

During my time at Mobiteach, I was deeply involved in the development of the Mobiteach application, harnessing my expertise in AngularJS, NodeJS, and NoSQL technologies.

This project allowed me to contribute to the creation of a dynamic and innovative application, showcasing my proficiency in these cutting-edge technologies.
Below you will find my self-evaluated skill levels.

Programming Language
PHP 80
Javascript 80
Sql - Mysql 75
CSS 70
C# 55

Laravel 80
Vue 80
.Net 50

Php Storm 90
Git 85
Vs Code 70
Jira 60

Spoken Language
French 95
English 80

Professional Objectives

Enthusiastic and determined, my professional goal is to become a versatile expert in programming and application design. Fueled by my passion for software development, I strive to cultivate in-depth expertise in these dynamic and ever-evolving fields.

Programming Expertise

My ambition is to master various programming languages, ranging from established languages to emerging technologies. With a solid understanding of fundamental computer science principles, I aim to tackle complex programming challenges while optimizing code efficiency and quality.

Technical Reference

Aspiring to become a technical reference, I am committed to staying at the forefront of technological advancements. I want to contribute to the professional community by sharing my knowledge, participating in collaborative projects, and demonstrating excellence in solving complex problems.